Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Laurent Desharreaux actively uses drugs

Inspiration is hard to tap. But it is not true that inspiration occurs by accident, it is not always so. Artists know that when they want to be inspired, they have to create the inspired state or, in other words, they have to be mentally stimulated. There is no doubt that people are different and as we all have different keys to our entry doors, we all use different keys to get into inspirational mood.  

Several Laurent Descharreaux’s former employees from Estonia (the country which he scammed for more than 2.2 million euros and also defrauded several private companies for almost the same amount, but then due to (or thanks to?) corruption escaped insolvency and criminal proceedings) told us that Laurent Descharreaux takes drugs actively.

We should say that this fact explains a lot. Now it is clear from where Descharreaux derives inspiration for his charades that could be the envy of a well-known adventurist, baron Munchausen. Paraphrasing a famous book title, Descharreux Marvelous Travels and Campaigns in Europe is a good plot for a modern fiction story – laundry of millions of euros of French and Spanish taxpayers  monies for his French-Spanish partner, Frederic Noel (who runs a “payment processing” project NordPay); persuasion of the Estonian government that his Estonian shadow companies actually used for money laundering purposes are nothing but promising projects which would create hundreds of working places in the country and would even be among the top leaders; saturated life in Bulgaria where local mafia is after Descharreaux, as if replacing local corrupted police authorities astonished by Descharreaux “probity” so much that they have no questions for him….for quite a humble, by European standards, reward.

Like Shakespeare who is rumored to hit the pipe, our hero – Laurent Descharreuax - endowed with all criminal talents, including persuasiveness, pictures adventures and captivating stories. But, unlike Shakespeare, Descharreaux turned his stories into reality.

Unfortunately, as it happens in real life, the ideal picture created by an artist falls to the ground and its creator has to face the backwash of his misbegotten plan like any drug-addicted person has to survive through withdrawal symptoms.

Those symptoms, unavoidable and painful for the artist, like pendulum come back to the feckless adventurist Descharreaux, again and again. Until now he managed to timely escape from all the approaching pendulums. However, sooner or later their paths will cross and this clash will produce a firework.

The only bad news in this story for Deasharreaux is that the drugs he uses are illegal in all European countries. But the good news is that they do not care in Bulgaria (the country Laurent Descharreaux has wisely chosen to base in due to local corrupted climate most welcoming for criminals of all sorts) about following both European and local laws. This is why Desharreaux can continue astonishing rest of the world with the results of his inspiration derived from narcotic rapture.

In case you have any information about where Descharreaux buys drugs or you think you might help to find the strayed artist (aka international swindler, professional money launder, and financial scammer) – Laurent Descharreaux – please contact me by email Any information can be rewarded.